Thursday 16 April 2015

How To Get Rid Of Ants In The House?

Doesn't it annoy you when you find ants crawling up your jam and cookie jars kept in your kitchen? Have you always wondered why your methods to eliminate ants from your house in Sydney failed most of the times? Many amongst us might not even be aware of the various natural as well as artificial remedies that can be applied and employed to stamp out those tiny pests from our houses all together.

It cannot be denied that ants have a critical role to play in the environment and are beneficial to humans in numerous ways. They act as exterminators of harmful pests like fleas, bedbugs, flies, spiders and clothes' moths. But this doesn't act as a consolation when ants sneak into our homes in search of food, shelter and protection from calamities such as rainstorms, floods, etc.

As the saying goes - 'Prevention is better than Cure', and keeping in mind the fact that some of us might not resort to killing ants, preventive measures to stop the entry of a rather nasty army of ants will seem more legitimate than terminative ones.

So, if you want to impede the ants from streaming in through the side of doors or crowding wall-cracks in your kitchen here are a few tips you can follow:

  • Seal off all jars containing sweet and sticky stuffs in the kitchen including jam jars, sauce bottles, honey containers, pickle bottles and the like.
  • Mop or vacuum the kitchen area on a regular basis, and wipe cabinets using vinegar/kerosene as these chemicals act as disinfectants.
  • After every meal, make sure not to leave out the dirty plates and dishes for a long time as they become a perfect feeding ground for ants.
  • Do not leave any food item uncovered in the kitchen.
  • Keep compost covered and enclosed.

If you're one of those whose house has already been infested by a colony of ants and you are at your wits trying to get rid of them, you'd be surprised to know that there are some excellent homemade remedies which are quite effective against ant attacks.

  • Strong scents and deodorants mess with their sense of smell. Putting cotton balls soaked with strong perfumes in the entryways of ants will help a lot in keeping them at bay.
  • There are some food stuffs that ants cannot digest and die, and cornmeal is the best among them. A mixture of 1 part sugar and 3 parts cornmeal can be used to lure ants to their doom.
  • Soapwater is also an effective remedy against ants as it breaks down into their exoskeleton and causes dehydration. All you need to do is spray some in the suspected areas.
  • Another cheap way to eradicate ants from the house is using salt water solution. Boil some salt water mixture and spray or sprinkle it near the stamping grounds of ants.
  • If you encounter a considerable number of ants in your kitchen or anywhere else around the house, sprinkle scented talcum over them and watch them dissipate away.
  • Close up the tiny cracks in walls using petroleum jelly or putty as ants often build nests inside them.
  • Lemon juice is also an efficient ant-repellent. Sprinkle lemon juice mixed with water over the nests and breeding grounds of ants.

If you want you can also get in touch with a professional company that offers pestservices in North Shore for ant control & removal in your home.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

5 Tips to Keep Your Office Clean

If you want to keep your office clean, you need your employees to play a big role. There are also many things that you need to do for keeping your office clean. To know what they are, have a look at this PPT.